Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > Maintenance & Repair 101
0.001 inch shim stock from Anti-Theft device
Ed McCullough:
I need to replenish my supply of the 0.001 inch thick metallic shim stock that we get from Anti-Theft devices on expensive merchandise in stores. What stores use those these days? Which merchandise in the stores have these anti-theft devices on them. I need to go shopping.
Good question. I was kinda wondering about that myself. I got a bunch of them years ago, (can't remember from whence ::)) but I just about gave them all away. Now, if I loose the one I glued between two Popsicle sticks, I may be in trouble. :-\
Lockjaw Larry:
Never fear, the world hasn’t ended, yet. Amazon has a good selection of steel, stainless steel, and brass shims for a price. They also offer several selections of feeler gauges, which are very tough and lasts forever. It would be inexpensive to share an order amongst friends. Just send your donations..💲💲
Ed McCullough:
We are chromatic harmonica players, another term for cheapies, skin flints, Penny Pinchers. What are the names of the stores that use the anti-theft devices that look like tiny white boxes glued to the packaging of expensive items that shoplifters like to steal?
They are marvelous for checking and adjusting clearance between reeds and the sides of the reed slots.
--- Quote from: Ed McCullough on May 19, 2024, 08:24:24 PM ---We are chromatic harmonica players, another term for cheapies, skin flints, Penny Pinchers. . . . .
--- End quote ---
Yeah, you tell'm Ed! ;D ;D ;D
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