Salt water doesn't work well with wood ash. Caustic. Messes up the ground. I have 102 & 99 year old uncle and aunt in Palos Verded Est. But that's 27 mi. due south. So they're ok. But they have been experiencing land slides. And their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, almost all of whom went to Pepperdine Univ., are scattered about. Long Beach, San Pedro, Tustin. Mostly Orange Co.
Catastrophie seems to be in the 'usual' northern crescent. My info (according to my 2 can and string equipment), is saying that the brush is usually cut back by the electric companies. But has been slow this year. Lack of funds? In any case, it's unfair to blame the Gov. & Mayor. Not their fault.
I just know that I am personally devastated and could just crawl into a corner and cry.