Any photos I take with my camera are always classed as too 'big' to load upon SlideMeisters.
I use 'Itensify', to change photo's from jpg to many other formats, but I do not know how you make a photo 'smaller'/ less than 1000KB?
Any suggestions most gratefully received.
Henry, there are many photo processing apps that will do it. Of course, Adobe Photoshop is far too expensive but the free alternative is GIMP it is a complex system and perhaps not suitable unless you want its clever re-touching functions.
A simple way is to use Microsoft Paint (if you are running Windows)
Open Paint, open your jpg photo, click 'Resize' on the tool bar and guess a percentage.
Save it as a different file in case it is not as you want, and repeat until you get it right.
In my opinion, jpg is the best format for this purpose. You can reduce the file size without reducing the image size by saving at lower quality but I don't think Paint gives you this choice, however reducing the size should be ok for display on forums.
But, why not upload to photobucket as I described at the start of this thread? Any size you wish, it occupies no space on the forum.