Oh and thanks for the response.
You're welcome --but 'jeweling' is something I haven't yet done - and learned the term from Smokey Joe Leone of this list. I'd have to turn to him for
help if and when? I know others do it too - mostly the customizers/repair people. I 'believe' it involves smoothing down every rough edge via various means (the edges of each of the slide pieces) and also perhaps flat-sanding of the actual comb mouthpiece. These are all things I haven't yet tried in
toto -mostly due to the several different surgeries I've had done on hands and shoulder and the long recovery periods - which I'm still trying to get through.
I have polished, using MAAS, every metal part of those chromatics I own (being super careful around the reeds...working with tiny tools and with tiny amounts of the polish which is non-abrasive, and have used the finest 00000 grade steel wool to round off edges and to give a super high polished
finish on some surfaces. I suspect 'jeweling' does much of some of this except taking what I do a whole step further.
I hope Smokey jumps in here since he can provide far more info than I'll ever know.
PS: it could also involve replacing the spring and screws --these are all still beyond my abilities, so would be more likely to send a chromatic out for that
kind of work.