Hello, Darius.
We hope you are Happy and Healthy.
Here's the website for your requests. The harp makers
sell stock keys other than C, only on the 12-hole harps:
www.angelfire.com/music/HarpOn/chromlayouts.htmlSORRY, the website listed above has expired. I tried
it after writing this post. The connection was made.
Then, I tried the website again. It's not available.
The factory keys of F, G, Bb and D are shown, plus
the other major keys.
For the factory A minor key, (custom-made), use the
C major chart. The A minor key starts at the letter A
on the key of C chart.
Many thanks to Mike Will, (HarpOn website) for the
above factory-installed slide chromatic harmonica
note charts, and much more harmonica information.
As far as I know, the Hering company is the only
harmonica maker to offer all 12 factory-installed
major scale slide chromatic harmonicas.
All manufacturers offer 2 slide chromatic, solo system
scales on each factory-installed harmonica, so we need
to buy only 6 factory-installed keys to complete the 12
major scales. On each factory-installed key slide harp,
we have one scale slide out, and another scale slide in.
The website also includes 16- and 14-hole key of C note
Best Regards, Stay Healthy
John Broecker