Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > Custom Chromatic Stuff

Making a Chromatic Harmonica from Scratch

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Fr. Mark:
Are there plans out there for making a chromatic harmonica from a pile of metal and or plastic pieces pieces?

My wife asked me last night if I wouldn't almost prefer to make instruments more than play them.  She may be right.

Thing is this is more a job for a milling machine than the lathe in the garage, though harmonicas are small enough the tiny milling attachment might do the trick for the combs...

Probably cheaper to buy a valveless chrom, & then add Brendan's valve gaskets, if you want a 'do it yourself' chrom......  ;D

Yeah, and I'll bet after you add Brendan's valves, it'll sound twice as good. 8)

Reed plates are drop punched. And that's where most of the problems were back in the old days. If you didn't change the dies now and then, the slots would go off spec. Then your plus or minus 1000th would wander. THEN to make things worse, the reeds were ALSO plus or minus 1000.

Milling the slots would necessitate a mill that is very very good, and an operator who is very very good. Nope, I don't have eyes for it.

Danny G:

--- Quote ---Probably cheaper to buy a valveless chrom, & then add Brendan's valve gaskets, if you want a 'do it yourself' chrom......  ;D
--- End quote ---

Probably be cheaper to hire Stevie Wonder to play harmonica for you.

--- Quote ---THEN to make things worse, the reeds were ALSO plus or minus 1000.
--- End quote ---

I'll give you some shell casings if you want to make reeds for him.


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