Author Topic: Octaves, tongue slapping, chords, but not used for 3rd position blues  (Read 455 times)

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Offline barbino

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Hello everybody, I would like to know when you use octaves, tongue slapping, chords and other techniques that I listened often in 3rd position blues on chromatic harmonica, but not in other musical genres.
For example I tried it on folk music and I enjoyed. This is a tarantella.

Offline SlimHeilpern

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Re: Octaves, tongue slapping, chords, but not used for 3rd position blues
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2021, 09:32:51 AM »
I hardly ever use these techniques (personal choice) but octaves are especially common with chromatic players playing in various styles (check out Antonio Serrano's flamenco work, or early Toots Thielemans playing jazz). Chords are a bit less common so due to the limited number of available chords in various keys. However, slapping chords used to be very popular, especially among those playing various folk styles in my dad's generation (he would be in in his late eighties now). He learned to play in the army during the second world war and would use chord slapping and octaves exclusively when playing folk, popular, and Yiddish music.

- Slim