My distance to Tulsa is analogous to driving from Barcalona espania to Krakova Poland.
It is 1330 mi. (2133 km).
A.J., on the other hand is 980 mi. (1307 km) from Tulsa
My distance to Charlotte would be 666 mi (888 km)
And my house to A.J. is 1200 mi (1600 km)
A lot has changd in the 4 years that I attended the last spah
1... If I have to go through Hartshorn airport (Atlanta), I won't go
2... With missing organs, I'm not sure how many hours flight time I can endure
3... My days of driving those distances (except maybe Charlotte) have passed
4... If I have to take Delta airlines, I won't go
5... Mostly I go for the camaraderie. If certain people aren't going to be there, it will affect my decision
6... Most of my favorite people are either gone or unable to function well enough to attend
It may be the end of an era..for me.
I and my employees at 'My Cushion' are appreciative of your support over the years.
To this end I have opened a new endeavor. It is called: 'My Bodega'
Along with my famous 'My moccasins' and 'My Wellingtons', I am also placing the following items on our shelves.
They are: 'My Peshmina', My Sou Western', My Hoodie', and 'My Macinaw', and 'My Cravat'. lolol.