Mike, what are the reasons the man does not likek his Hohner Performance 64X?
I have a few dislikes myself, but I decided to live with the negatives because it plays loudly and plays softly. Any 16 holer canplay in the lowest octave, but they will not have the ability to play loudly, with expression, will not respond the way the upper octaves do.
The previous 64X, black with gold mouthpiece, was pretty good, but the new Performance model is better.
Weak points of the Performance Super 64X
•Mouthpiece is wider
•Requires more air. Can't figure why it should, but it requires more breath.
•Too big in the hands
•Back edges of the coverplates are sharp
•Highest octave reeds still have some poor, thin tone color, but not as bad as in the Super 64 of ten years ago. I normally play pucker method. Tongue block method improves the sound. I want to try jamming some putty into the reed chambers. That is a known wassy of improving tone quality in the highest octave. Why did Hohner not fix this in the design of the comb? Brendan Power's Power Plugs (I think that was the name) were well known, and Hohner could have built that shape into the comb.
Good points of Performance Super64X, There are other good points.
•Consistent similar tone in most holes. Highest octave has problems, as mentioned.
•Gapping of reeds from factory is consistent.
•I like Hohner's gapping of reeds as they come out of the factory
I'm going to black out the Hohner name on back of the comb and bottom coverplate.. It's simply my style.. I don't wear clothing that has manufacturer's name on it. I'm important - not the clothing company. They need to pay me if they want me to advertise for them.