Hi Scotty
Due to latency issues, it’s pretty much impossible for groups of folks to play together on Zoom. We typically just talk about techniques, instruments, and …life in general! During a typical session, each participant plays (only if they want to) a song. Some play solo. Some have backing tracks. We just go around in turn, and depending, each person may get two or three turns to play.
Join us! It’s very enjoyable👏👏
No, I knew it was 'one at a time', but not the closeups and into the camera kind of thing. I'd actively dislike seeing myself 'featured' thusly, frankly. I've explained before how this is still a problem technologically for me and this week we ran into some real issues.
Had our pool opened, only to find the liner had collapsed, with almost zero water left. Aargh. (only a muddy dark swamp at the bottom). Called our 'pool guy' who came to look, saw that the liner isn't salvageable and needs replacement. H'okay! An average of $3,500 - $4,000. We'll bite the bullet. Well, not so fast. No one (literally no one) has been IN the pool since that liner was installed - roughly 20 years ago. 'What'? cried the pool guy - 'that's impossible'! Nope. The dogs go down 2 steps to cool off their feet (on the hard white plastic steps) but that's it. No one has swum in the pool which we maintain and have cleaned, opened and closed and taken care of every Summer and closed up in the Fall with a Loop-Loc cover customized to fit. H'Okay. He brought samples - I finally found one I liked and Fred agreed with (we were poles apart at first). THEN came the costs since I thought the pool could be made less deep (who needs 8feet - no one here dives and it's more difficult to clean); that'll be 'this' much more to bring in dirt and sand...I thought they'd just move the sand around and add just a wee bit more, silly me. THEN all of the extra accoutrements - concrete steps poured in place since the originals aren't really deep enough for men with big feet (Fred, for example).
So now, today - 2 young men chopped away some of the old concrete surround to deepen and widen the steps. Several phone calls ensued since we decided at the last minute that covering said steps with the same pool liner would not work (pool guy's idea) because our dogs do like to stand on the first two steps to cool off their feet and legs, so could tear the liner there. Now we're discussing facing them with BlueStone. I also have someone else coming (the man who built our front and back stone patios and did all of the landscaping) to give an estimate to redo the entire pool surround since it's badly needed (and neglected). The original estimate (liner, work, gaskets, coping, etc. etc. etc.) $13,000! Now it'll be 'this' much more - I've no idea yet. There goes our put aside funds to work on the inside - again. Sigh.
Everything else - I mean every single little thing - has to be on hold (including our dogs now not being allowed outside so doing their 'toilette' in the laundry room today with my having to clean this up several times) will be our immediate future for who knows how long. Everything has to be worked around the dogs - and our limitations. I'd hoped for a nice relaxed, reading some good books while my dog became even more mellow over this Summer. Ha.
'Best laid plans of mice and men will gang awry'. Robert Burns was oh-so correct.