For about 20 years, every Memorial Day
celebration at the Veterans' Park cemetery,
in Milwaukee, The Milwaukee American
Legion Band performed a 2-hour concert
to remember our military veterans who
have passed away.
I was a member of that band, from 1987
to circa 2008. The band performed for many
years on Memorial Day, from circa 1930 to
(?), after I had left the band. We considered
the performance an honor and a priviledge.
The Veterans' Hospital and Cemetery was
established in Milwaukee during the USA's
Civil War.
Percussionists always had a problem transporting
our concert instruments to the performance area,
because the area was festooned with guards who
wouldn't let anybody bring a car or truck to the
cemetery's performance area.
We had to move the instruments by hand, about
a half mile to the performance area, then after
the event, back to our equipment trucks and cars.
We understood our sacrifices paled in comparison
with the millions of veterans who gave their lives
to preserve the United States of America.
Today, when I see a USA military veteran, I thank
him or her for their military service.
Best Regards this Memorial Day.