We discussed how to play a chromatic scale, how to play a 1st postion major scale, 1st & 3rd position major arpeggios, and 1st (blow) & 3rd (draw) position blues. We also discussed the symmetry of intervals, and how to obtain a diminished tuned harmonica.
Here are some highlights:
ascending chromatic scale: blow, blow button, draw...move one hole to the right & repeat, or...
ascending chromatic scale (2): draw, draw button, blow button...move right & repeat
1st position major scale: same blow draw sequence as C major scale on solo tuned chromatic with no button. Add button* to 3rd, 5th, & 6th scale degree. B D B* D B* D* D B (tonic can also be played with draw button)
Also remember, In first position the root, b3, 3, b5, 5, 6, & b7 can all be played as blow notes, and in third position as all draw notes.
How to obtain a diminished harmonica: (Seydel Deluxe)
http://www.seydel1847.de/epages/Seydel.sf/secCzNvZvSqs2Y/?ObjectPath=/Shops/Seydel/Products/51480(sp)&ViewAction=ViewHarpConfiguratorClick continue and choose 'diminished' from the drop down menu, and then choose the starting note for hole one. For example, choosing G3 would give you the G below the middle C which is the starting note on a C chromatic.
-Or- (for retuning services)
Contact list member Gary Lehmann (Gnarly HeMan) or Pat Missin through his website (patmissin.com).
I also have a few I'd be willing to sell (offlist).