This started out as a Django tune called, Swing Gitan. I wrote a new melody and changed the name to Swing Giant, but then I couldn't resist changing it to Diminished Giant. A lead sheet and recording are attached. The track is split left & the harmonica is on the right.
On a C# dimi, the first phrase starts with blow button on hole 5, then release the button and slide down to hole 3.
The 2nd phrase is all draw from hole 4, draw, draw button (repeat pattern on hole 3, 2, & 1).
The 3rd phrase is all on hole 1, blow button, draw, blow button, blow, blow button.
The 4th phrase is all draw, hole 2, 3, 4, 5.
Stay on hole 5 for the 5th phrase, blow, blow button, release button & slide down to hole 3 again.
Then blow button holes 4 & 5, then draw.
Then it's the 5th phrase again, only slide down one hole farther to hole 2.
The next phrase is all on hole 3, draw, draw button, draw, blow button, draw...draw button, draw, blow button, draw.
Then all on hole one again, similar to phrase 3.
Then the whole thing repeats, except the last 2 phrases are like phrases 4 & 5.
I hope someone has a C# dimi handy