Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > Chromatic Playing Techniques

Trills, Ornaments & other fancy-schmancy stuff

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What are they?
Which do you use?
Where do you use them?
Where do they work?
Where don't they work?
Which do you want to use?
Which do you never want to use?
yada yada yada

Here is one I would like to learn. Once in a while I accidentally catch a very brief chirp of a note before the slide is where I want it. Almost immediately I'm on the correct note. Sometimes this actually sounds nice, other times it's just an error.  When it sounds nice and I try to repeat it on purpose it either sounds like I hit the wrong note and corrected or I miss the chirp completely.

That's an easy one to do (if it's what I think you're describing) The easiest way to use it on just about any note you wish is to push the button (play in D flat on a C Chromatic) and play, but momentarily release the button just before you hit the note. (think "For Once In My Life") You can also use the technique to build more involved ornaments

Jimmy Halfnote:
That doesn't make sense A.J., and three notes are required i would say, it isn't so easy when it has to be repeated a few times in succession at speed on different notes... if we are talking about the same thing... chips, cuts, clips ,chirps.


Of course it does. What are ya gunna make me play it for ya? ;)


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