Author Topic: Updated Rules and Regs /Agreement August 2016  (Read 19192 times)

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Updated Rules and Regs /Agreement August 2016
« on: August 25, 2014, 10:07:14 PM »
I know, you/we are always tempted to just scroll to the bottom and "click & lie," but please read this whole thing. Trust me; it's different than anything you've read before. :o)

If you sign up USING A VPN, and are rejected as a SPAMMER, (it can happen) subsequent applications will cost you 20 dollars, so turn it off, at least long enough to apply. While acceptance is quick and easy; it's not automatic. You will not be a member until you have received a confirmation email from the approval department. (check your SPAM/junk folder just in case) You can expect your approval to take anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours. Please be patient & welcome to SlideMeister Forums!

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Membership approvals not "activated" by the applicant within seven (7) days are deleted, and next time, it'll cost you twenty bucks.

SlideMeister is a place for Chromatic harmonica discussion, not a place for retailers to "hawk their wares," promote themselves or otherwise "milk the group."  If this is your intent, save yourself the embarrassment of being publicly booted off the forum and banned for life.

Again, SlideMeister is primarily a place for "Chromatic harmonica discussion." We all have our favourites; that's "personal opinion" and that's fine, but any discussion on the superiority of either Chromatic or diatonic is prohibited. While diatonic harmonicas can certainly be mentioned anywhere, they may only be discussed on the "diatonic" board. Likewise, Chromatics will not be discussed on the diatonic board. Neither Chromatic or diatonic harmonicas will be discussed in any way that would constitute "competition" between the two. Threads that begin to lean towards Chromatic/diatonic competition will be deleted in their entirety. Any thread or subject deemed to be "going south/turning ugly" will be locked and/or deleted. This is SlideMeister; we don't do UGLY!

ALL actual "discussion" is to be done in English only.

Grey areas: Anything not blatantly Chromatic, (like trying to make a Chromatic sound like a diatonic or vise-versa) must be discussed on the diatonic board. We are not here to argue, but not unlike Politics and Religion, Chromatic and diatonic passions are easily aroused. Grey areas ALWAYS invite controversy anywhere they're introduced, and we don't "do controversy" here. Veiled innuendos, and/or snide remarks toward other group members are not allowed. If you want to sword-fight, "take it outside" i.e. go to another forum as there are more than a few out there that seem to thrive on that sorta stuff. THIS IS SlideMeister.

With members from all over the globe, SlideMeister does not allow members to spell or grammar check other members.
SlideMeister is NOT A DEMOCRACY, but rather: a "Benevolent Dictatorship," and therefore will not provide dissenting members with a platform from which to voice their opinions on the forum's rules. This policy IS STRICTLY enforced. SlideMeister is SlideMeister, and while its policies aren't actually "carved in stone" for all intents and purposes; they are. If you think you can do it better; start your own forum. If you think you're coming here to change things; spare us all the drama by leaving now!

Remember, we're all about opinions here; so in effect, WE'RE ALL RIGHT. Challenging someone's personal opinion (besides being stupid) is prohibited, and can even get you kicked off the forum. We either agree, or agree to disagree and move on.

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SlideMeister membership is easy, private, secure and will never fill your email inbox with SPAM and "offers" from outside sources. Posting to this group for any non-member (without express permission from management) is also strictly prohibited; AS-IS CROSS-POSTING or cutting and pasting from other websites, to or from SlideMeister. If SlideMeister isn't good enough for some folks to JOIN, it's certainly not a good place to share whatever they have to say. Of course, obituaries and the like may be forwarded to SlideMeister management.

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Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded, in the event that you need to be banned from this forum or your ISP contacted. This will only happen in the event of a major violation of this agreement.

Finally, in all fairness, SlideMeister is not looking for "numbers," just "participants," so if you have no intention of ever posting or joining in the with the dialogue, you can do just as well as a "guest." In other words: as a member, we ~will~ be expecting to hear from you. :o) Every so often, we clean out the "dead wood." Bottom line: if you don't even "poke your head in the door" (USING YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD) at least once every 150 days; you're just a "number," and again, we're not here for "numbers." 

Also note that the software places a cookie, a text file containing bits of information (such as your username and password), in your browser's cache. This is ONLY used to keep you logged in/out. The software does not collect or send any other form of information to your computer.

Now was that a "fun" read or what? ;D
« Last Edit: July 07, 2021, 08:49:10 PM by Age »

Offline Ken Backwell (Sr)

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Re: Updated Rules and Regs /Agreement September 2014
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2014, 10:36:35 PM »
I can not remember the last time I read a more interesting set of rules.......for the third time. lol

Offline Lockjaw Larry

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Re: Updated Rules and Regs /Agreement September 2014
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2014, 06:37:10 AM »
After reading all that I want to sign up again.  ::)
Be fair, be square and obey the rules of the pack.

Offline Jimmy Halfnote

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Re: Updated Rules and Regs /Agreement September 2014
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2014, 02:49:37 PM »
 The main point for me is not to make members nervous about posting, this is a Chromatic harmonica site. Mr A. J. has given all Chromatic players a forum, from all over the world, they should i hope be able to participate without fretting about grammar or spelling, keep in mind some can communicate better playing music. I am hopeless at grammar, i am sure there are many like me who spoke slang or dialect during informative years, where the grammar was less important than the meaning, for example;                 
                                                   Years upon years when younger we all used the word 'yon' for either those or these, to this day i use those and these wrongly, 'yon' had no tense. We are all marked by history, experience and predicament, the makings of individuality. On the other hand i do not mind personally being pointed in the right direction, if done kindly and respectfully, it is an acceptance there are people who know more than me, 'yon' same people are often the ones who have open minds and appreciation of other folks gifts outside the verbal. I do not envy A. J. , and will always admire his special gift, this site is proof.


Offline Edward Brock

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Re: Updated Rules and Regs /Agreement September 2014
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2014, 05:07:38 PM »
No question but that AJ has a monumental task with the site but I'm happy he has taken on the assignment rather than me. I would just put up some rules & regs, that we Must have, the best I could. I wouldn't be going to court so I wouldn't have to worry about every comma, or diacritic or whatever spelling mistake was made.
Someone will ALWAYS find a mistake somewhere.  Congratulations to them.
I just think it's funny that Mean/Poor/Confused/Dissappointed AJ has to keep running around like a chicken on roller skates trying to balance some rules to coral a bunch of adults so they don't insult one another or hurt the feelings of others by some comment that was made off the wall or offered with a tongue & cheek sarcasm.
AJ, I don't envy you and your trying to balance this Humongous Ball on your nose like a trained seal while attempting to appeal to the masses and not dropping it and kicking it to the sideline.  Your're a better man that I am, Gunga Din
At times I feel for you & at times I just can't help but laugh.   :)
OBTW--If anyone finds any spelling mistakes or punctuation errors, please feel free to grade my paper in Red ink. If it is bad enough I will go stand in the corner.  :-[

Offline Scotty

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Re: Updated Rules and Regs /Agreement September 2014
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2014, 11:42:56 AM »
Yeah, I made the rules just complicated enough to be interesting, eh? ;)

For the member, I think knowing what the "rules" are all about actually adds to the appreciation of this forum as well as the other members, who not only abide by, but embrace them.  The rules are really not meant to restrict, but rather to liberate the membership from the things the rules don't allow. You guys never have to worry about certain behaviors and stuff, cuz they're just not allowed. Not sure if I'm making any sense here, but it makes sense to me.  ;D Ha Ha!

You make complete sense to me, Age--fwiw. Always have, which is why I've backed you about the Rules and Regs even if/when I (rarely) got on the wrong side of them. None of us are entirely immune and I hope that's understood by those who see what they might think of as 'fancy' Charter Member logos over some names (much too few in my estimation since we can ALL be supporters of this terrific home away from home)  and moving chromatics - which might give the impression of favouritism. It isn't at all. They're there purely because you kindly want to recognize those of us who believe deeply in this forum and in keeping it going. NOBODY is given any special 'privileges' when it comes to the Rules and Regs...we're all equal and you're the benevolent 'boss' (which is as it should be, since you own the whole shebang. ;)

Heck, if I'd had the initial idea, developed it, put in the time, dug into my pocket and killed myself to do the work to create such a forum you could bet that I'D be laying down the rules and regs to keep it working the way I believed it should be. So would any of us if we were honest.

So there's nothing to complain or even remotely fidget about. I know that you're eminently fair to everyone equally and these updated and logical Rules and Regs put the burden of making decisions squarely onto your shoulders, not ours.

Perfect! :)

Elizabeth (a/k/a Scotty)