Author Topic: Want to join Us? (MUST READ!!)  (Read 3387 times)

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Offline SlideMeister

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Want to join Us? (MUST READ!!)
« on: February 03, 2012, 05:15:06 PM »

If you sign up for an account (as in "join SlideMeister") and do not at least activate your account for seven days, you will be seen as a SPAMMER, a "slug" a "Forum Squatter" or any other derogatory term I can make up, and your account will be deleted, with a snarl! :) :)

Any member who does not at least log in (using their username and password) at least once, every five months, (150 days) will be also subject to deletion from the forum. Nothing personal, but we don't "warehouse" members at SlideMeister. If you don't want to post, that's perfectly fine, but if you don't at least stick your head in the door at least three times a year, the next time you do come here, you will be  "guest," cuz you account will have been deleted, okay?  ;)

It's no biggie really; if you find that you've been deleted, you can simply join up again, just as you did the first time. True, it will cost you 20 bucks, but I only research, SPAM filter, catalog and vet new members once for nothing. :)

« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 10:39:05 PM by Age »