Author Topic: "Report to Moderator"  (Read 2140 times)

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Offline SlideMeister

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"Report to Moderator"
« on: August 09, 2015, 11:30:35 PM »
I'm sure its no mystery that I occasionally miss things, Duh! :P but what many don't know is that I started SlideMeister over twenty years ago because I hate to read. I really do; and when I think about it, that makes it even stranger that I ever started the group in the first place. I made it all full of categories so folks could easily find stuff that really interested them, and just as easily, "blow off" stuff that didn't. side note: that's why its so important to put your stuff in the right board, because believe me: folks do exactly that. They don't go anywhere near boards that don't ring their bells.

So, Hallelujah! the principal works great! (for everyone but the old guy who hates to read!) ~I~ have to read it all! I'm only one guy what hasta do that! Now, sometimes I'm too busy, sometimes I'm tired OR worse yet: tired AND cranky (I'm allowed. I am a cranky old fart ya know! 8))  Now that's where that little "Report to moderator" thingy in the lower right of each post comes in. If someone says something that offends you, there's a chance the mean old troll (me) may not have picked up on it, (Hey, it happens) and that's where I need your help. True there are a couple guys who report everything ::) but ya know, I'd rather deal with that than miss something that really needs my attention. Don't be bashful; I'll never rip your head off for bringing something up. I may not do anything about it if I don't feel its necessary, but neither will I hold it against anyone who yanks on my chain once in a while, okay?


« Last Edit: February 26, 2022, 09:17:40 PM by A.J. Fedor »