Author Topic: SlideMeister Procedures (trust me - a interesting read :o))  (Read 3458 times)

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SlideMeister Procedures (trust me - a interesting read :o))
« on: March 28, 2017, 06:58:44 PM »
How to get kicked out of SlideMeister  ;D

Ha Ha! This is gunna be fun! ;D
If I were interested in numbers (as in: "Look how big SlideMeister is") we'd have well almost eight thousand members here, but why would we even want to do that? Numbers don't mean anything; loyalty does! Even if members don't post, as long as they check in once in a while, that shows me they're interested. If they don't do at that, they're outtahere!

SlideMeister is supposed to be a fun place. While it's always nice, members don't really have to be "good players," but they do have to be serious, so here's what I do:

At least thirty percent sign up on a whim. (not good) Besides that, virtually nobody ever reads the Rules; but all of course, check the box that says they did. ;) THEN no one ever reads the: ACCEPTED TO SlideMeister. Required reading - Read this note NOW  :) ) letter I send after I go through my very involved, six-part, vetting process, check them out and approve their accounts.  Seven days or so after that, I delete their 'unactivated' accounts just as I promised in the acceptance letter that they didn't read. (Heck, I even take the time send a few reminder notes after a few days to activate their accounts) I think, after they get note that says they've been deleted is when hey read the "ACCEPTED TO SlideMeister. Required reading - Read this note NOW :) ) letter, feel stupid and never come back, except as a guest, which is fine with me. For example: As of this writing (I just checked) there are 72 guests and 7 members crawling around this forum. We've gotten as many as 750,000 page views a month. Not too bad, eh?

Members that end up as guests were never that serious in the first place, otherwise, they would have activated their accounts immediately, instead of forgetting about it. People will only do what they really wanna do, :) and this little trick just saves me the trouble of looking them up and tossing them out later. Many times I finish approving an account within fifteen minutes, and seven or eight days later, I end up throwing them out for not activating their memberships. That's a lotta work for nothing. So they can be guests; Guests don't cost us nothin' and can't hurt nothin' ;)

Now on to the other half:
These folks don't read the rules either, and many don't read the ACCEPTED TO SlideMeister. Required reading - Read this note NOW :) ) letter BUT they do activate their accounts. About thirty per cent of these, I end up kicking out in thirty days cuz they never post an introduction, which is the only actual posting requirement as a SlideMeister member, and mentioned in the ole' "ACCEPTED TO SlideMeister. Required reading - Read this note NOW :) ) letter. :) 

Others actually activate their accounts within the first seven days. I don't know how many actually read the ACCEPTED TO SlideMeister. Required reading - Read this note NOW :) ) letter cuz rather than the simple introduction as described in the above-mentioned letter, some ask a question in their first post, resulting in their NOT receiving the promised fifteen posting credits mentioned in that letter that instantly frees them from the probationary APPLICANT status, so these folks now have to make their own 15 posts to make "Baby Button Pusher" just like it said in the letter. (and I don't hafta give second chances, so I don't) Believe me, APPLICANTS actually have fewer features than GUESTS.

Of the ones who do it right, (even though they don't read the rules either) they make their introduction, and that's the last we hear from them till I throw them out as promised in the ACCEPTED TO SlideMeister. Required reading - Read this note NOW :)  ) letter, cuz they never even stick their heads in the door for five months. :P

Then there are the ones who hit the ground running, (even though they don't read the rules either :) ) post 50 times and lose interest for one reason or another. (there are a lot of those and I delete their accounts in five months as well) Again, if you're a member here, it doesn't mean that you post a lot (or at all for that matter) What it means is that you posted your introduction, and maybe more (though not required) and that you sign in at least once every five months.

As the owner of this forum, ~I~ just see a zillion inactive "user names" on the rooster, as a security risk to be deleted, but the few hundred folks who read, post a little (or a lot) read some more, ask questions, joke around and just enjoy the company, I like to call  "SlideMeisters."  (The folks who make this group what it is!) ;)


Those of you who actually read the rules know how I know the other guys didn't, Aye? ;D ;D
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 01:19:31 AM by Age »