Author Topic: Starting New Threads  (Read 1906 times)

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Starting New Threads
« on: February 19, 2018, 02:04:52 PM »
Many of you guys out there are more than a little paranoid about starting threads. (You know who you are  ;)) You feel that your question may be not that important, But that's the way we get everything discussed Heck, it was all I could do to bribe an introduction out of you, and even at that, every month, I hafta toss a few out because they never posted that introduction.

Or some of you never-posters think you might do it wrong and break something, which of course will cause the magnetic poles of the earth to reverse and change in the earth's rotation.  ::) And all that might really happen is that you never get your question answered.

Some think sooner or later someone else will start a thread about your subject OR it will be covered in another thread or something, so all you have to do is wait. That also would you require that you read EVERYTHING on this forum (up to a 120 posts /day) and NO ONE does that (cept maybe me)

Maybe you're afraid no one will answer your thread and you'll feel like an idiot for asking. That's not very likely to happen, and even if it did happen, what's the big deal? Get over it!

Instead, a lot of us inject our subject into an on-going popular thread. While that is an easy way to get your question /subject out there, it tends to:
Dilute the current thread and forces any searcher of that thread to "sift and sort" in order to find what they were looking for. And even if the "rogue topic" turns out to be a hit and totally derails the thread in to which it was injected, it'll still be next to impossible to "search" and we never get the credit for starting sucha brilliant thread.

Bottom line: The better we build this forum, the better and more efficient it becomes. Yeah, I know it's "powerful fearsome, Jodie,"  ;) but never be "a feared" to start a new thread!  ;D

« Last Edit: December 02, 2019, 09:12:47 PM by Age »