Author Topic: Stepin' Down  (Read 2675 times)

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Offline SlideMeister

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  • A.J. Fedor ><((((º>
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Stepin' Down
« on: August 23, 2022, 03:24:38 AM »
Steppin' Down :-\

At this writing, SlideMeister has officially been around for over two decades, and has been a very big part of my life. Actually it's not only the longest “job” I ever held, but the only job from which I never took a whole day off.

Years ago, I was talking to Bill Romel, and he said he missed “just playing” his harmonica, cuz he was so busy fixing them for others. I laughed and said: “Then just finish my MeisterKlasse comb, then you can quit.”  Sadly, the old Desert Fox, went Home shortly after that conversation, with my order probably somewhere on his desk. I said back then, I didn’t wanna let that happen to me, so I guess this letter is simply a part of that “step-down" that I promised myself.

As you might have heard, I’ve decided to close SlideMeister down (as we know it) to all general posting. This in fact, happened on August 31st, 2022. After 22½ years and over 16,000 hours at this desk, running this forum, I guess I just want to retire, spend more time with Barbara, play with grandkids, play my Chromatic, do some recording, maybe go fishing, and all those other “Grampa things” that don’t start with me running to my computer before I even have my morning coffee. Rather, I want to start limiting my internet activities to stuff I can do, rather than stuff I have to do.

While SlideMeister is still probably the busiest harmonica forum on the web, we have to admit that over the last 2 years, posting has been about half what it was before this “pandemic” nonsense. Strangely, it’s still about the same amount of work, and expense, and I guess I just don't wanna spend as much of my time in this chair anymore.

The forums' 237,000 posts and over 17,000 topics should remain available as a “read only,” reference for regular members and the general public for as long as I can afford to keep the forum up. After which, I’ll try to find another way to keep all those posts available for “perpetual perusal.”  ::)         

Current, regular (non-supporting) members ,will retain their earned posting “Positions,” (from Baby Button Pushers to Monster Meisters) but will no longer be able to submit or answer posts, except maybe on the commercial boards. (I’m going to try and keep those working as they do now)  In other words, while no one's actually getting kicked out; the general member posting, will only be available to supporting members, from “Helpers” to “Presidents Clubbers.” These folks will retain those special designations as long as they continue to be supporters, (which is only fair) The rest of the membership will only be able to read, browse, and whatever.

So, what did you do, Age, turn SlideMeister into a private club? Yeah, I guess so, for the supporters, until they decide they want to leave. (we'll see how that goes) I closed down the forum’s Paypal account so if any of you wish to move over to the “supporter” side, just hit that blue "Hero" button up top, or check the main site ( for all the details.

I’m just south of seventy-eight, and my doctor says I’m “healthy as a horse.” (sounds good, but makes me nervous ::)) I guess I just wanna change direction for the time I have left on this side of the grass.

I may look into stuff like interactive zoom meetings. “Private Messaging” will also remain available to these members for any group or private (secure) personal, “under the radar” communication, but only with other designation holders. See how private it is? Mwoahahaha! ;D (the main site / black site / whatever) will be getting some cosmetic surgery and a somewhat different direction, hopefully with some new, supporting member based, audio and video content and stuff as my time gets freed up. I also have some cool, new SlideMeister “member web page packages” available for any Charter Members and President Clubbers who want one. Right now, there’s still a lotta details that I’m working on, but when I’m done, it should be simpler for everyone. (including me :o)

I’ll give EVERYONE updates through the forum’s newsletter feature. (like this and will also be “mirrored” on the new “NEWS” board on the forum) You folks who like social media (besides me of course) ::) can also apply to SlideMeister’s facebook ( or Rumble. (facebook is set up – Rumble not so much yet)

I’m a criminally lousy social networker, so all I’ll probably do there is accept "friends," say something once in a while, and of course "un-friend" folks out who get abusive or otherwise "undesirable" according to the same “draconian”  ;) standards that have applied here for the past twenty-two years.

I want to thank all you great folks for your kindness, your patience, your wisdom, your good humor and participation; especially to those who’ve been with me for the whole twenty-two plus years since the E-Groups and Yahoo days. (you folks are incredible!) Yes, they were great years, and we had a good run. We “Chromies” not only thumbed our noses, blew raspberries, and showed the world it could be done, but had a lotta fun in the process!  We made an impact that made fools of all the naysayers, which, I'll admit being pretty proud of, 8) and I also believe we made a pretty good dent in the Chromatic scene, worldwide, whaddyathink?. Yeah, I’m very sad, but somehow, strangely happy! Weird, aye?

I can always be reached with the “contact” button at or

I’m proud of you! It's been an honor AND a fun ride.

I pray God’s richest blessings on all of you!

Blessings, Love and gratitude!

Aj Fedor – SlideMeister Intl.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 05:19:02 PM by SlideMeister »