Author Topic: BOARD DESCRIPTION (READ THIS FIRST)  (Read 5242 times)

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« on: October 13, 2011, 07:05:11 PM »
While not a "poll" in the traditional sense, this is a one-stop informational "What's a Chromatic player all about?" board. Over a few weeks, I asked a series of questions here in order to get a cross section of information on Chromatic players in general, and what they're all about. This board (now re-opened) can serve as a Chromatic player's (at least SlideMeister Chromatic players) reference. Most answers are straight and to the point. In keeping a promise/ threat ;) I made at the outset, the rambling ones have been removed. So spend a few minutes and see what we're all about.  :)

« Last Edit: July 31, 2021, 02:14:04 PM by Age »