Author Topic: Photos!!  (Read 2105 times)

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Offline SlideMeister

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« on: February 04, 2022, 12:02:12 AM »
Ever take a picture that you think oughtta be in a frame or something? Kewel! Let's help you show it off. :)

This is not really going to be a contest, but I want to start a "Members Photo" page on the main site. If you have a photo that you're particularly proud of (it can be anything; a landscape, candid or posed, color or black & white, a musical performance shot, people, a pet, favorite vehicle, house, action shot, whatever.  The only rules are: it has to be GOOD, no blurry, out of focus stuff. Just shoot it to (or at and if (and/or) when I get enough of them, I'll build a page on called "MemberPhotos" and we can display them to world.

Questions? Click the red text below.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2022, 10:41:27 AM by A.J. Fedor »