Hello, Rich35.
I'm not an employee of any sheet music
publisher or sheet music distributor.Here are 2 excellent instruction methods
for standard 10-hole diatonic harmonicas.
The ideas presented will also work for a
Richter slide chromatic (Richter system
reed placement, not solo system).
The Seydel company makes a Chromatic
Deluxe Richter model in a 12-hole slide
chromatic; or any standard 10-hole slide
chromatic would work. The 10-hole slide
chromatics are usually factory-set in the
Richter system reed placement.
Both of these books are published by Mel
Bay. Buy the books through Mel Bay or an
internet book seller or music instrument
retail store; or a sheet music seller.
Find a harp teacher to help you, or someone
who plays harmonica.
Contact Mel Bay at:
www.melbay.com OR:
Mel Bay products index #MB20848BCD:
Get Chugging, by
Ben Hewlett & Paul Lennon.
This 52-page manual and audio CD will get you
started. Highly recommended. "Chugging" is a slang
term for playing harmonica chord accompaniment.
Mel Bay products index #MB20719BCD:
Blues Harp Licks Chart, by
David Barrett.
This 3-page chart and audio CD includes 24
two-measure licks (short solos or "fill-ins");
and some easy music theory of music forms
(blues progressions).
Best Regards, Stay Healthy
John Broecker,
Sussex, Wisconsin, USA