Author Topic: 13. Last Question: How has the internet helped?  (Read 6599 times)

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13. Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« on: December 10, 2011, 10:10:41 PM »
How has the on-line harmonica community helped in your progress on the Chromatic?
Optional question: What else would you like to see on the web regarding the Chromatic harmonica?
Again, No discussion, but feel free to take all the space you need.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 12:21:04 AM by A.J.Fedor »

Offline Scotty

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Re: Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2011, 10:29:24 PM »
How has the on-line harmonica community helped in your progress on the Chromatic?
Optional question: What else would you like to see on the web regarding the Chromatic harmonica?
Again, No discussion, but feel free to take all the space you need.

Wow. GREAT question, Age.

If it hadn't been for the internet (first got online at the end of 1999), I wouldn't have learned about the existence of a harmonica 'community' in the first place, wouldn't have worked up the nerve to fly alone to my first Buckeye festival in Ohio (from NY), and then to my first SPAH (both in 2005). Everything that's happened for me in the world of harmonicas has come about due to the internet.

 Meeting all those great people at my first 2 conventions: Jimmy Gordon, Joe Filisko, Dennis Gruenling, Jason Ricci, Phil Caltabellotta - most of whom are still great friends today (I didn't get to meet Smokey until SPAH 2006) although we talked a lot before then. Then signing on with SlideMeister - not sure of the date, but this is now several years later. I'm learning from and have made solid friends of the best of the best: people who are fabulous players and who somehow like what I do, have taken an interest in my small and amateur efforts and want me to play along with them.

Separately I now also count as my friends some of the best musicians in the business, and in addition have THIS forum on which to express thoughts and ideas. It's all gold and is helping me get my 'voice' heard through my music. None of it would exist without the internet.

Tres cool.... 8)

Elizabeth (a/k/a Scotty)

Offline Gnarly He Man

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Re: Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2011, 10:30:37 PM »
I didn't play chromatic harmonica for many years, due to the cost and uncertainty associated with trying a new instrument--especially one you could not return to the store!
After many years of playing diatonic and learning to play more chromatically (using altered tunings and extended techniques), I finally decided to take the plunge . . .  first thing I did was ask my dad to send his old 270, it was very worn--I sent it to Hohner, and they wanted to exchange it--I decided to keep it and instead acquired a CX-12 tenor, based on the online recommendations.
If it weren't for the Internet and specifically this website, I would not be playing chromatic harmonica.


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Re: Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2011, 12:15:23 PM »
Without the internet, and specifically SlideMeister, I would not have found anybody else who plays chromatic.  It seems that every instrument that I decide to take up, even though it has HUGE North American and World Wide appeal/popularity, there is no interest for them in lowly Calgary, a city of over one million.  Go figure.


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Re: Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2011, 03:11:48 PM »
SlideMeister Forum and the first club, "SlideMeister" has been a great help to me in meeting harmonica players on line as well as in person at Harmonica Player's Festivals.  I bought a chord harmonica and a bass harmonica through Ingo Andersen in Canada.  Ingo is A GREAT MUSICIAN IN HIS OWN RIGHT!!!!

Now my two CDs are being sold over the INTERNET through iTunes, Rapsody,, Live 365 Old Christian Radio and others.  The internet has my web site and sells my CDs.  Jimbo or James M. German

Offline Grizzly

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Re: Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2011, 03:31:47 PM »
The 'net has helped me find good buys on harmonicas, including eBay, and has provided the only discussion forum I participate in—SlideMeister, which is a treasure trove of information.

working on my second 10,000!

Offline jimgrant

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Re: Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2011, 06:10:09 PM »
The internet, particularly SlideMeister, has been absolutely invaluable to me. It is a treasure trove of valuable information, helpful hints from giving people and an excellent way to postpone chores (LOL)
I have purchased a number of harmonicas, etc. on eBay and have never been stung. I had a mildly trying experience once with an uneducated seller selling a recording device but it worked out in the end. I have purchased harmonicas from 'Meisters and sold them too.

My vision is too limited to allow me to propose any further chromatic information on the web.

Age, you are a treasure all by yourself. Without your dedication and vision, we all would be much poorer.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 06:13:12 PM by jimgrant »


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Re: Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2011, 06:58:35 PM »
It has made available for instant appreciation the musical talents and expertise of people whom I would never have heard about without the Net, SlideMeister and Youtube. And being part of a community, even in a small way, encourages me to play when otherwise I might not.

Offline SlideMeister

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Re: 13. Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2011, 08:38:01 PM »
The internet has helped me tremendously. Besides being a lot of fun, it has challanged me to improve on a personal level. It has given me access to the Chromatic community at large (and I can't help but feel its getting larger day by day) It has allowed me a deeper understanding of Chromatic players and people (I love people :) even the cranky ones. ha ha! ) Over the past twelve years, for me,  the internet has magically spanned oceans, erased borders, broken down walls, and put us all of us on a one to one basis, irrespective of our level of achievement, location on this globe, lifestyle, culture, and even language. How cool is that? If it all blew up today, I'd still feel richer for having participated in it.


« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 08:50:58 PM by A.J.Fedor »

Offline McManus

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Re: 13. Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2011, 09:41:45 PM »
SlideMeister and Pat Missin-asking questions, and being able to search--very special.
"Music is the medicine of the mind." John Logan

Offline Gary Richardson

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Re: 13. Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2011, 06:28:01 PM »
Immensely!  I got a late start with the Chromatic and the Internet.  I used a company provided PC at work and accessed the internet for work related projects.  When I left work, I left work.  Who wants to sit in front of a computer when you can rest, fish, hunt, boat, drink (in the past) etc.  Two years ago I purchased a PC for home use primarily for my wife to communicate with family in the southern hemisphere.  Then I discovered SlideMeister and other sites and was hooked.  My wallet hurts, I believe I could stock a harmonica store.

Next the Internet could help me with the 12 steps of getting over my chromatic addition.

Gary Richardson


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Re: 13. Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2011, 04:54:25 AM »
Good news and bad I guess. I learned harmonica basically on my own, really rather isolated. No teachers or peers. Being new to this site has done several things for me. I have filled in some blanks in my education, yes dispite my opinionated personality I can still learn. Expanded my playing and I practice more methodical way. I was totally unaware of some of the things done with tunings and custom work. Mostly all you personalities have inspired me to learn more and share more. I have started teaching a few kids. So what's the bad? Well I have become addicted. Soon I'll be on the streets doing anything to get my next harmonica fix. Looking at my "harmonica bucket" list I am shocked at what i have acquired and plan to acquire as the " just one more harmonica beast" rears it head. All said a great site thanks to the wonderful sharing spirit of it's founder and members. If it only had spread sheets........
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 12:26:42 AM by A.J.Fedor »

Offline SlideMeister

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Re: 13. Last Question: How has the internet helped?
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2011, 12:35:16 AM »