Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > Chromatic Tabs

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I'm embarrassed for not having thought of this one my self. I guess it's a sign of my being an ear player; BUT THAT DOESN'T EXCUSE THE REST OF YOU GUYS FOR NOT SUGGESTING IT!  ;) and thanks to new member, Dorbi for bringing it up. (remember good suggestions are rewarded with SlideMeister brownie points which transelate into rank changes) Ha Ha! let's see how well this board goes.  8)


I have never seen a standard for chromatic tab.
With diatonic there is a number representing the hole and an arrow showing wind direction.

How would you represent the slide action?
In Harping! they use the # symbol to show slide in.

Check this out for the National Harmonica League's standards for chromatic tab:

I feel compelled to reproduce here a statement from that page:

"Please remember that TAB is not a substitute for learning to read music. It is a simple system which has to be supplemented by a good ear as only limited information on the timing, rhythm and intensity of the notes can be given. When you have learned to read music you will be able to play written music which you have never heard. For this reason we will always provide both written music and TAB."



--- Quote from: Grizzly on February 05, 2009, 12:49:54 PM ---Check this out for the National Harmonica League's standards for chromatic tab:

--- End quote ---

The downside is the font has to be installed on every computer in order to write the tab.

I think it is easier to download Harping! and build the tabs yourself.
If you purchase the software ($20) you will also be able to print out the tab.

Then we could utilize SlideMeister to post MIDI files to share.

Another concern with tabs... is there a copywrite issue?

BTW. I have never seen any tabs for the chromatic that use this system.

Tab is the best means which I found to encourage the beginners!

I post tab and an example then everyone can post his version
It's seem me very enriching no?!

a+ ;)


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