Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > YouTubeMeister
World music chromatic
Here is an example of the 2016 playing with what I call cello tone.
I told the guys before we recorded I was going to make the harmonica
sound like a cello.
The harmonica part is improvised. No overdubs. Only reverb.
This is a demo for a group I work with Sapori.
Several people with advanced music degrees have told me
how much they like this piece
That was impressive. Really nice sound. Keep em coming Mr. Diggs.
As a listener with advanced music degrees, I agree with others' assessments. This is very listenable, with enough going on in the improvisation to hold my interest.
The visuals neither add to nor detract from my enjoyment. It was the music that really held my interest.
Regarding your attempt to make it sound like a cello: I have problems with trying to make an(y) instrument sound like another. In the case of harmonicas, the tone, attack and sound is unique to the instrument, accordions notwithstanding, and is to be celebrated and exploited. To my ears, you did not succeed—much, I might say, to my delight. You have achieved a wonderful harmonica timbre, and the CBH 2016 makes it unique. But there's no mistaking it for a cello.
The results, nevertheless, are gorgeous.
Maybe it's just the power of suggestion but the guitarist always says he can hear the bow
going arcross the strings when I play down in that lower end.
Too bad we can't get more arrangers to hear all of the tone colors of the harmonica.
This group used to use a flute player and said the harmonica was a much better fit for
the music.
I wish I could convince some of the people at church of this. I play flute music on harmonica for special music at some services. Are you familiar with Ernest Bloch's "Suite Modale" for flute and piano? In my opinion, harmonica works as well as flute; "idiomatic" is the operational word.
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