Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > Maintenance & Repair 101
Please suggest a tuning program that I can download
Gnarly He Man:
--- Quote from: Age on April 27, 2024, 01:18:14 AM ---Yeah, that's an impressive stack o'stuff ya got there, Gar! 8)
--- End quote ---
Age is referring to my solo setup for live looping.
New video before too long, Blue Bossa, with some harmonica.
Ed McCullough:
Is "live looping" related to the topic of tuning programs?
I have Soundcorset and gStrings on my phone. I don't use em much but they work fine. Downloaded from the Play Store.
Ed McCullough:
Thank you for making suggestions.
Do the downloadable programs have advantages over a handheld Korg tuner?
A Korg Tuner you can use offline - anywhere, anytime. And you rarely have to think about charging it. It runs like a Dunlap bunny.
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