Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > Harmonica Organizations & Events

BB guns at Danny's party

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Last year, I had the privilege of supervising/teaching an impromptu firearms safety and shooting course to several youngsters. That was a treat! Lord willing, I will be bringing a few of those (all non-lethal) pellet and BB guns (seen below) and hope to do it again this year. One shooter at a time, fully supervise - lotsa fun.

Any other member planning to attend, is invited to bring  whatever you have if you'd like to join in the fun. There is a very safe area in the back of Danny's property that's ideal for BB and pellet gun plinking, BYOBBG&A (bring your own BB gun and ammo) and even favorite targets. ;D


I used to use Necco Wafers (candy) until it got too expensive. Then I went to paint balls on a golf tee.
joe athirio

I kinda like pop cans about three feet off the ground on stainless rods at 3 meters, 5 meters, 10 then twenty meters with little BB pushkas. At 20 meters with BB guns and a 3" barrel, it startsta get challenging. These little guys are a treat to shoot and stupid cheap. Can't say enough about them. I like to do two rounds as fast as I can in each target. Whatta hoot!

I think I have about a dozen little C02 pushkas,  (all different) all together, including a this and this (the one they use in all the movies cuz it looks and acts so authentic) and this (with a red dot) and I'll prolly bring THIS one too just for giggles, (my son's) which is a totally insane, auto/full auto, 410 FPS, electric, tack driving BB rifle.

Lockjaw Larry:
Count me in with a few pistols of various design and function.  I have a couple new ones with plenty of rounders that need used.  One has iron sights, other I mounted a red/green dot.  Unless requested I won’t be lugging my pellet rifle this year.
BTW, I’ll also bring harmonicas to the harmonica party.  🎉

Nah, let's keep it light with little stuff this year. I ain't bringing my 9 1/2 lb Hatsan this year, since the kids couldn't even hold the thing up. But I am gunna bring my kid's electric AR again. Bwuaaahahahah! Only THIS time I'll bring enough batteries and mags and stuff so we can have some fun with it.


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