Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > Chromatic Playing Techniques

Advice for beginners

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Is there a thread that walks you through how to learn to read music?  Is there a way to incorporate learning to read music with learning to play the C in multiple keys?

Get yourself some Christmas carol sheet music. If you are familiar with the tunes then you will find it easier to read the notes.

This book may be helpful. Any music teacher could also help to understand theory and sight reading...even if they do not play harmonica. Read the reviews on the book and see if it fits.


--- Quote from: streetlegal on December 03, 2013, 11:12:52 AM ---Get yourself some Christmas carol sheet music. If you are familiar with the tunes then you will find it easier to read the notes.

--- End quote ---

MY man. Christmas carols are the easiest.

 Here's the deal. The lines are..ascending in the treble clef: E, G, B, D, F. So the addresses on a 48 reed khrome Klondike ARE:
#2 hole blow, #3 hole blow, #4 hole draw, #5 hole draw, #6 hole draw. The spaces ascending in the treble clef: F, A, C, E. So the addresses are: #2 hole draw, #3 hole draw, #4 hole draw (slide in + B#) OR #s 4 & 5 hole blow. That's it.

You only need to learn ONE octave. ALL sharps are going to be the note you play and push the slide in. The flats vary. I'll leave that one for you to play with. I mean jeez guys, I can't do all the work for you...can I?.... lol



--- Quote from: SlideMeister on December 30, 2010, 11:48:38 AM ---Okay, here's one everyone is gunna hate me for:  ;D

Loose your idols kids! (You can always come back to those after you learn which notes are behind which holes) Wanna sound like Adler, Toots, Stevie, Chmel or whoever? That's a whole 'nother problem.  8)

Resist the juvenile temptation to play the Chromatic version of "air guitar" and get familiar with the Chromatic and what it can do. Develop your own embrasure, get a good lip seal and so on. (there's plenty to get familiar with before you start trying to be someone else) I know it isn't glamorous, but stick to the basics at least till you can play a couple numbers perfectly. Yeah, you'll sound mechanical, but everything starts with mechanics. Your new car may be beautiful, but under the hood (bonnet) inside that engine are a whole bunch of ugly, oily, unbecoming parts, but (and you all know where I'm going here) they are ultimately what end up moving your butt down the highway.

Growing up we had a saying, "If you can't hop it; chrome it!" A lot of guys spent a lot of money at the chrome shop, but they never even bothered going to the drag strip cuz they knew their cars were not "performers" and would get their headlights sucked out in the "performance" world. They sacrificed "performance" for style, and even though style may look cool, it'll never win when "performance" is what counts. Musicians are performers.   ;)

Make a Joyful Noise!


--- End quote ---

    This thread might be old, but there is still a lot of valuable information. The above quote really hit home with my present frustrations. I was trying to play in different keys before I was familiar with the first basic key of "C". Even that simple change can be the cause of great frustrations. I am forced to rethink my practice sessions and take a step back & get the basics first before stepping up to the next level. Not only am I trying to unlearn the hand positioning of the diabolic, but I am trying to learn what sound is associated with the note on the music staff. I believe I tasked myself with too much before moving up to the next step.


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