Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > GENERAL CHROMATIC DISCUSSION
270 stainless
hello All
take a look here
good health
Sure looks like Vern's SS comb. I have 3 of them and this is SOOOOO similar...
Danny G:
I didn't see a stainless 270 when I clicked on the link but it's a really neat site.
This was copied from the site
"Marine BAnd SBS Superscrew Custom
Hohner builds low harmonicas in extended versions.
Invented by ›››Steve Baker and widely accepted among players, we're sorry to say this instrument has three remarkable faults:
It is assembled using nails.
The comb (from pear wood) become soaked by the humidity.
The front of the comb is too sharp-edged to be 'lip-friendly'
Therefore, for as long as Hohner refuses to patch these points, we at Harponline will offer an SBS Custom version fitted with screws, plus a comb that is rounded at the front and treated against soaking. "
You should enter it in the "Favorite Chromatic Links: board that Age recently started.
It has to be worth a couple "points"
--- Quote from: Danny G on March 13, 2007, 07:00:29 PM ---
I didn't see a stainless 270 when I clicked on the link but it's a really neat site.
--- End quote ---
Go to the site and then go to chromatics>hohner>custom
You'll see their ad copy for stainless combs on 270 Deluxe.
Danny G:
Thanks Tom:
I went back and took the extended tour
Custom 270's,
Stainless steel combs
Left handed 270's
270's with round holes
Did you see the CX12 in Eb
270 Deluxe in all keys
Sections how to repair/replace /tune
This site is really worth taking a long look at even if you're just window shopping.
Augustin has my vote and when you check out his list of links ......
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