Okay, here's the report.
Attendees were:
Danny G, Goran, Age, Mike Dean, Tommy Stryker, Richard, Johnny Mack, Steve B, Dave VanderMolen, Doug Tanner,Vale, George M, Ingo and a couple more I forgot to write down.
Numbers played:
1. Age "Is sit any Wonder"
2. Goran "A Samba"
3. Tommy Stryker "Day By Day"
4. Richard "Smile"
5. Danny G "If You Could Read My Mind"
6. Mike Dean "Air" in C major
7. Doug Tanner. "I Mean You"
8. Age "Yesterday"
9. Ingo "Chattanooga Choo Choo"
10. Tommy Stryker "Blue Skies"
11. Danny G "If I can Dream"
12. Richard "Black Orpheus"
13. Mike Dean "Real Hondo"
14. Age "I got a Crush On You"
15. Doug Tanner "Alone Together"
16. Tommy Stryker "But Beautiful"
17. Mike Dean "Take Me Out To The Ball Game"
18. Ingo and Tommy "Sweet Georgia Brown"
19. Dave VanderMolen "On the Wings of a Dove"
20. Danny G "Ash Oken Farwell"
21. Vale "Vocee"
22. Doug Tanner "Wave"
23. Tommy Stryker "One Note Samba"
24. Mike Dean "Cornpipe in E minor"
25. Doug Tanner "Metisooka"
26. Tommy Stryker "No More Blues"
27. Vale "Yves et Danello"
28 Tommy Stryker "Bernie's Tune"
29. Tommy Stryker "Bye Bye BlackBird"