Hello, A.J. and others.
Here are a few ideas to consider when talking about diatonics versus chromatics, or harmonicas in general. The replies are my opinions.
A.J. said that if chromatic harmonicas were made illegal, he wasn't sure if he'd play diatonics, or quit (harmonica playing), and go back to the guitar, or try a sax.
It's my opinion that if chromatic harmonicas were made illegal, many harmonica players and many non-harmonica players would want one, and there would be a huge black market for chromatic harmonicas. There is no reason to ban or make illegal any musical instrument.
A.J. also said that a diatonic is "like paddling around in a leaky canoe with holes and a broken oar, and then being given a new cabin cruiser."
Using that analogy, which harmonica (diatonic or chromatic) has the most holes? The chromatic. Which harmonica is the most "leaky?" The chromatic. Which harmonica has the broken oar? The chromatic (slider).
The chromatic is the leaky boat with holes and the broken oar, and the diatonic is a speed boat, with fewer holes, fewer leaks and no paddle, in my opinion.
Another Slider stated that harmonicas in general are seen as toys, compared to other musical instruments. They are seen as toys by some, but not by all. Some consider harmonicas toys, some consider them tools, and some don't think about harmonicas at all.
In my opinion, harmonicas in general are as valid a musical instrument as any other musical instrument, and diatonics are as vailid as chromatics. Each musical instrument is as valid as another. There is a place and a use for every musical instrument and voice.
It's the use of the harmonica, not it's construction or sound, that should determine it's acceptability or rejection as a tool or a toy. Since there are so many professional harmonica players, to call harmonicas only a toy, in my opinion, is a mistake.
Harmonicas are toys, for me. I get great satisfaction just from playing them. Harmonicas don't make money for me, except in teaching, so, for me, they are toys. And tools.
John Broecker