1956 this Cub Scout was enjoying our dens picnic with a big bon fire. We learned how delicious our creations of roasting hamburger, potatoes, onion, celery and carrots in aluminum foil nested in the hot coals was. After dinner the moms brought out the desserts. I couldn’t decide between chocolate pie or lemon meringue ( neither of which I had ever tasted) . One generous mom placed both on my plate with an understanding smile. The next few minutes was Heaven on earth to this chubby cub! I have never been able to choose one over the other so I must say they both are my favorites.
I also love blackberry pie covered with vanilla ice cream. Then there’s cherry with ice cream. Cherry topped cheese cake is not to be overlooked.
Ok, so to name just one- or two or three- favorites is impossible.
Actually with diabetes I seldom enjoy any desserts but when I do my favorite is what’s available.