Mvt. 7 from Orchestral Suite in B minor by J.S. Bach.
I spent quite a few months (in the wilderness) learning it in D minor, getting along with the breathing patterns and timing (D minor is rough for me, but I messed around with B minor, which I found worse for me with more of the draw notes in that key!
I spent my lesson last week on it, and in my discussion with my instructor (who is a very good sax/flute player), he gave me two good pieces of advice: (1) select a tempo that fits the chromatic (just because a transverse flute can play it at quarter note = 120 bpm doesn't mean that the tempo would work for me -- not even close), (2) see if a different key "fits" the chromatic better (which is why I'm trying A minor)
The main goal is to play it at a tempo so that it doesn't seem frantic (for the player and listener) and stays in character with the piece.
So, for better or (hopefully) not worse...