And another Danny G's Harmonica party "in the can!"
Okay! Sunday afternoon and Barbara and I are back home, and of course, a great time was had by all. This year, we had the best weather we've had in seventeen years; only mid seventies but plenty of sunshine. A lot was going on at all times over about a one acre area. Lotsa professional entertainment (Scro Brothers) good food, amateur and semi-professional music, lots of good food, great folks (lotsa huggz) camaraderie, big name players, good food, The Ohio State Harmonica Championship and all 'round fun and lotsa good food. Just Amazing! It just get's better every year, folks!
. Hmm, I think I might have gained five pounds. (I wonder if the good food had anything to do with it
Every year I leave something down there. Duh! This year, I was a walkie talkie. No worries; I'm sure Linette will prolly find in with the lawn mower.