Oh, Glad you saw it, Rich. It was a great show - that I stumbled upon by accident. I haven't been watching anything entertaining
in a while (mostly due to being still so sad about the loss of my little fur-baby),but was changing channels to put on my usual soothing music and glimpsed it, so was very happy that I didn't miss this year's honors. I personally respect those who devote
their time, money and talent to good works and helping others so this year's was especially good. Gladys Knight's songs got me
through quite a few tough times in my life as well - so it was really enjoyable. Fred Yonnet - I believe might have come to SPAH
at one point - is originally from France but lives in the US. Boundless energy and is a real talent. I'm surprised his name doesn't
come up more often. Now I need to go to facebook to see if I can send a note to his wife Carla.
A Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours as well as all other SlideMeisters. thank you.