Author Topic: Loss of private messages capability  (Read 1070 times)

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Offline robertpcoble

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Loss of private messages capability
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:13:14 PM »
Age, at one time I was sending and receiving messages through SlideMeister. Now when I try to send a private message to another member, I get an error, stating that I don't have that capability.

I'm not upset but I would like to know what I did (or didn't) do (if anything) that caused that restriction.

I'm sorry if this is not the proper protocol for addressing this.

Thank you,
Crazy Bob

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Re: Loss of private messages capability
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2015, 07:29:26 PM »
Hereyago Bob (from back in June 15, 2014)

"ChromTributors (100 posts) and up, should be able to view profiles; I fixed it.  :) However, henceforth and forever, the Personal Messaging will remain a premium feature. As I explained before, as the owner of the forum, ~I~ would get up to 6 or 7 "personal messages" per week, That were meant for someone else BECAUSE folks don't read the Personal message notification email that says:

"You have just been sent a personal message by (someone) on SlideMeister Forum.

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this email.

Reply to this Personal Message here: yada yada"

When members don't follow those instructions, and just hit "reply," guess who gets their private message? I do. :( Guess how often they don't follow those directions? An average of one every day.:( Now I don't wanna read other members' messages, and yet I don't wanna let the sender think they were being "blown off" by the receiver, Sooooo, I write the sender a letter explaining all this. Without exaggeration, I've probably written a thousand of those letters, and quite frankly, I think I'm done.  8)  By limiting the PM feature to a select group, the personal messaging still goes on, but at least ~I~ don't have that problem any more. ;D

Again, ANYONE can receive a personal message, but only CHARTER MEMBERS, VIP's, CONTRIBUTORS and HELPERS can send them. Email accessibility to each and every member is provided for anyone, "Baby Button Pusher" or better; just click the little envelope on the left under the members mug shot or whatever, and the system takes it from there. (if you hide your email address in your profile, other members can't contact you - and in which case; you're on your own)

« Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 07:37:04 PM by SlideMeister »

Offline robertpcoble

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Re: Loss of private messages capability
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2015, 07:49:19 PM »
I'm sorry, somehow I missed that. No problem on my end!

Thanks for the prompt reply!
Crazy Bob