Author Topic: New. "Lone Harper's Tutorial Board!"  (Read 804 times)

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New. "Lone Harper's Tutorial Board!"
« on: March 24, 2020, 06:29:14 PM »
Hey Kids!
For those of you not on the "INSIDERS BOARD" where we've been discussing and working on this for a couple days. The Lone Harper has been supplying me with tutorial posts from all over YOUTUBE that cover all kinds of very helpful FREE tutorials form players all over the globe, and I just finished putting it together. Go and spend all the time you can afford over there (you could probably spend a month going over the material on that board) Tons of information for everyone from newbees to professionals. I'm not allowing any discussion there, just go there and soak up whatever you can. Kudos to the Lone Harper!

@ge ><((((º>
« Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 06:47:29 PM by Age »