Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > Chromatic Playing Techniques

Simple daily exercise

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Ed McCullough:

I bounce back and forth between notes that are one octave apart. I put in a pause between the notes, as well as sometimes going quickly back and forth between the two notes. Let's say I start with a note E in the middle of the harmonica, I go back and forth between that E and either the upper or the lower E. Then I play all the Es in that manner. After a while, I do that with another note, but never with C.


--- Quote from: Ed McCullough on May 18, 2024, 05:19:31 PM ---
I bounce back and forth between notes that are one octave apart. I put in a pause between the notes, as well as sometimes going quickly back and forth between the two notes. Let's say I start with a note E in the middle of the harmonica, I go back and forth between that E and either the upper or the lower E. Then I play all the Es in that manner. After a while, I do that with another note, but never with C.

--- End quote ---
Are you corner switching or puckering?


Ed McCullough:
I mostly play pucker. I can Corner switch, but never try to perfect it. I feel that moving quickly with a pucker gives me a better chance of being accurate than going back and forth from corner to corner. Those guys who play chord harmonicas travel much greater distance, and still they're pretty accurate. It's matter of practicing so that you feel and respond to the distance. Mentally hearing pitch of the hole I am moving to helps a lot. Skipping over five holes quickly is really feasible, if you practice

We just had this conversation on the Zoomer on Thursday, but I'm with Ed on the subject. Hey Toots scratched by pretty well with a pucker, ::) so it can't be all bad. When I was a kid, I read those little waxed paper inserts that came with new harmonicas about to cover a couple holes with your tongue, and blow the one to the right. It made zero sense to me, and I asked myself: "Who would ever wanna do that??"

if a pucker was good enough for the Tootster. . . . .  ;D ;D

Ed McCullough:
IF IF IF I ever play one of those 10 holers these days (They are marvelous instruments. I would never insult them.), I would use the tongue block method. I use the tip of my tongue to feel for the hole just to the left of the hole I am blowing through. Having the tip of my tongue in that hole is a rock solid method of finding my way around the ten holer.

Seeing a ten holer would be amazing. I might have seen a two holer outhouse a couple of times, but never a 10er


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