Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > Chromatic Playing Techniques

Simple daily exercise

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I learned to tongue-block when I was about twenty cuz I wanted to play octaves. I did notice the difference in sound (along with the timber and overtones) but it didn't impress me enough to impress me. ::) Still doesn't, FTM, but I'm glad I learned it cuz I do use it once in a while like when I want a different sound or just give the old smooch muscles a rest. 8)

The first time I ever picked up a chromatic harmonica (about five years ago now), my mouth NATURALLY took it's place on the mouthpiece.  No thinking.  No lip pursing.  Just went there by itself.  Turns out, it's a "variation" of tongue blocking.  My tongue covers ONE HOLE (well, sometimes two ;)) to the left of the note I'm playing.  The exception is when I play the low C (or low hole on any harmonica).  For that note, I pucker.  What the ...??? 

Whatever the reason I went that way, it works for me.  I am pretty comfortable with jumps, and my "muscle memory" (about the only kind I have left) puts me at or pretty close to where I want to go.  With more playing and practice, it'll get better.

I think it's good to be taught some options in techniques of anything we do.  Choice is good.  Like in golf, there are teachers who will help you understand the "correct" way to putt.  Then, in the real world, you find what's YOUR "correct" way.  Just watch the pros!  No many are the same, and very few are using the technique that they were initially taught!

Ed McCullough:
Agree with Borat: Use whatever method works for you.

 Hi All
  I started tongue blocking when I first Started playing and to this day
 I have tried puckering but keep going back to tongue blocking .

I've used a pucker for 72 years. (can't believe I just sed that :o) I've always had my own "die-hard" reasons for using a pucker, so when folks disagreed with me, I never cared much. (Especially from the ones who played worse than I do L.O.L. ;D) Then, about ten years ago, I learned that Toots used a pucker; since then, I care even less.   ;D


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