Slidemeister (Chromatic & related only - no Diatonic discussion) > Aj's ANNOUNCEMENTS (READ THEM OR WEEP)
"HELP?" for ALL registered SlideMeister members
For the last quarter century, all I wanted to do with this medium, was to help promote and further the Chromatic harmonica. Now that I'm almost eighty, and more or less retired, I find that that desire is still a big part of who I am.
You must be a SlideMeister member. (not necessarily a supporter, just a member will be fine) Firstly, you agree with me that I'm no where near a top player, but you think I may be better than you in one area or another, and would like a personal, one time, strictly confidential, real-time critique, contact me (not on list but) at (just hit the blue "contact" button near the top/left of the page.) That will get you in touch with me and, from there, we can set up a one time, personal, one-on-one, ZOOM meeting where we can look each other in the eye and talk for a couple minutes. I will tell you what I think you're doing right as well as what I feel you may be doing "rong."
Again, This not a paid coaching lesson, just a little informational time. Five minutes or so to see whether or not I might be able to help you out, and it's over. Howzatt?
Okay we did it with a few members and ~I~ feel, it was fun AND went pretty well. Thanks to the guys who took me up on the deal.
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