DEALERS / SERVICE PROVIDER'S "Commercial" Board > Danny G's

Danny G's 2024 Harmonica party.

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Danny G:
After about a week of not being able to figure out why I couldn''t get any sound out of the sound system I finally hot it going. All new wires and another computer. Now working on getting it balanced.


--- Quote from: Danny G on June 30, 2024, 06:15:23 PM ---After about a week of not being able to figure out why I couldn''t get any sound out of the sound system I finally hot it going. All new wires and another computer. Now working on getting it balanced.

--- End quote ---

Ain’t technology fun😡😡

Danny G:

--- Quote ---Ain’t technology fun
--- End quote ---
No, it's a real pain in the butt but it has some really good points.
Cheaper than a band, practices whenever you want it to, isn't jealous, you don't have to buy it a beer or blow smoke about what a good job it does or share tips.

I dunno., I think I kinda like tracks. Heck even iReal is okay, cuz it leaves plenty of "air space" in the backup and never gets too busy so the harmonica has no problem laying right on top of the mix.

Danny G:
can't argue with that Age


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