Author Topic: PRIORITY POST!!! (in other words; you gotta read it! :o)  (Read 8695 times)

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PRIORITY POST!!! (in other words; you gotta read it! :o)
« on: February 22, 2011, 09:30:17 PM »
With the political and religious fervor heating up in direct proportion on a global scale, I know it's tempting to rant to get in a "shot" in here or there for "our side" (whichever that may be ;)) just because of the size of the readership. I know, this forum is pretty popular and "read by thousands of folks all over the world, yadayadayada" BUT that makes it even more important that we keep away from the political and religious stuff. That's what YouTube is for  ::)

Okay, I'm going to speak for all of us, once and for all and on any and every politically/religiously charged subject. Ready? Here goes: (I'll even add colour for emphasis ;))

"Right on bro! I'm with you all the way. If more folks thought like us, the world would be a better place for everyone."

and on the other hand I'll ask:

"Whatareyou? Nuts??  People like you are both brain dead and dangerous and I'm glad you don't live anywhere near me!"

Now many of us can agree with both of those statements; we just disagree on who we aim them at!  We've all heard the rhetoric before, and it goes round and round and sooner or later, it gets ugly. (always) That's just the way things are. While it's true, someone may be able to change our minds, I can assure everyone here, it's not going to be done through posting on SlideMeister! No way!

So, for the sake of harmony (musical and otherwise :))) we're all going to continue to take the "high road" and rejoice in the fact that this is a place (perhaps one of the very few) where we can talk, discuss, agree and even disagree sharply on subjects, (other than religion or politics) and yet, never to the point of costing us our smiles. We actually have something pretty special here and it will only continue as long as we confine our passions to our music.

You wanna know what I think? (and of course I'm right :))) I'll tell ya, but never here on this forum. :D

« Last Edit: February 26, 2022, 09:49:27 PM by A.J. Fedor »