As requested by polarbear Tim
Composed by Murray McLauchlan.
Playalong with John McDermott:- 24s How .. old .. was I .. five or six .. or so.
1* -1*, 2, -2* 2, 1* -1* 2, -2* 3*.
The inn..—o——cent years .. long .. a..——go.
3* 3*, -2* -2* -2* 2, 3*, -2*, 2,
Fa——ther on a chair .. reach—ing up .. so far.
2 2 2 -2* 2, 2 2 2, -2* 3*.
( -4 6 6 -6* 6, -4 6 6, -6* 7*.) A crown..—ing tree .. with that .. old .. tin .. star.
3* 3*, -2* 2, 3* -2*, 3*, -2*, 2.
And it shines .. so pret——ty .. dia—monds in the sun.
3* -4 -4, -4 -4 5*, 6 -5* 5* 5* -4.
No—thin’.. but good things .. will ev..——er come.
6 6, -6* -5* -4, 3* -4 5*, 5* -4.
Lit—-tle boy .. don't .. grow up.
3* -2* 2, 2, -2* 2.
Stay as sweet .. as you are.
6 -5* 5*, -4 3* -4.
So you still .. gaze .. in won—der.
3* -4 5*, 5*, -4 -4 3*.
At that .. old ..... tin ..... star. ....
2 -2*, 3*, -2*, 2.
1.41s I .. grew up .. and I found .. a place .. to live.
1* 2, -2* 2, 1* 2 2, -2* 2, -2* 3*.
When I un..—packed my things .. I found .. the .. gift.
1* 2 3*, 3* -2* -2* 2, -2* 3*, -2*, 2.
And it felt .. like home .. though I'd come .. so far.
1* 2 2, -2* 2, 1* 2 2, -2* 3*.
For there .. in my hands .. was that .. old ..... tin ..... star.
3* 3*, -2* -2* 3* 2, 2 -2*, 3*, -2* 2.
And it shines .. so pret—-ty.. dia..-monds in .. the sun.
3* -4 -4, -4 -4 5*, 6, -5* 5*, 5* -4.
No—thin’.. but good things .. will ev..——er come.
6 6, -6* -5* -4, 3* -4 5*, 5* -4 -4.
Lit—--tle .. boy .. don't .. grow up.
3* -2*, 2, 2, -2* 2.
Stay as sweet .. as you are.
6 -5* 5*, -4 3* -4.
So you still .. gaze .. in won—der.
3* -4 5*, 5*-4, -4 -4 3*.
At that .. old ..... tin ..... star. .....
2 -2*, 3*, -2*, 2.
2.56s I .. have .. kids .. of my own.
1*, 2, 2, 2 -2* 2.
And trou—-bles .. I’ve had some.
1* 2 2, 2 -2* 3*.
I've cried .. my .. tears .. and I've .. had .. my .. fun.
-2* 3*, -2*, 2, 2 -2*, 3*, -2*, 2.
I climb .. that chair .. and I reach .. out .. so far.
2 -2* 2, -2* 2, 1* 2 2, 2, -2* 3*
And my son .. looks .. up .. at that .. old .. tin .. star.
2 -2* 3*, -2*, 2, 2 -2*, 3*, -2*, 2.
And it shines .. so .. pret—-ty .. dia..—monds .. in .. the sun.
3* -4 -4, -4, -4 5*, 6, -5* 5*, 5* -4.
No—thin’.. but good things .. will ev..——er come.
6 6, -6* -5* -4, 3* -4 5*, 5* -4.
Lit—-tle boy .. don't .. grow up.
3* -2* 2, 2, -2* 2.
Stay as sweet .. as you are.
6 -5* 5*, -4 3* -4.
So you still .. gaze .. in won—der.
3* -4 5*, 5* -4, -4 -4 3*.
At that .. old ...... tin ...... star. ..................
2 -2*, 3*, -2*, 2.