I once said that I only have 3 guns. I 'should' have said: real guns. I DO have a bunch of junk around here. I consider them all as 'paper weights' inasmuch as I would hesitate to depend on them.
One is similar to that Heritage..but not as nice. 4 3/4" barrel Herbert Schmidt. Two possible cyllinders, I only have the LR one. The frame is some sort of composite of zinc alloy. Would probably melt in a healthy fire. It does shoot well and I put it together from parts. But in a pinch, I don't trust it.
We had this situation where we would have to confisgate guns from various characters and after the trials the things would be ordered destroyed. Well the good stuff always got scoffed up by the judges, DAs, and other hacks while the junkier stuff went to the metals bin.
What would happen is that the Sgt. and a trooper would witnerss a maintenance man cutting the guns up with an acetelyne torch. And fill out the paper work. Serial numbers and such. Ok, so not ALL the parts would be destroyed and I would dive in the bin and collect the little parts. When I had about a pound or so, I would label them, send them off to a dealer in N.Y., and they would, in turn, send me a check.
So over the years I always had a lot of junk to play with and as I was hanging around with a gun smith, I learned a lot. Most everything I make is miniature. I have never understood hunting. Instead of saving money hunting my own food, I preferred to cut cord wood, and use the money to buy store bought meats. Nothing like a good pork roast. After watching all the nature programs and seeing all the baby animals, I can't bear to hurt them. UnLESS they are varmints. Then all bets are off.