Yeah, gotta admit, that's a
very a nice job, but I see you've progressed to the point where you're fair game for some constructive criticism:
Okay ready? Here it comes! Ha Ha!
You're very methodical (and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that) just now, it's time to get "sloppy." IOW, you can start to relax a bit. I mean "sloppy" is what it'll probably feel like to you as you play, but don't worry, you'll start to "breathe" sooner than you think. You're gunna round the sharp corners off and start making real listenable stuff to be enjoyed by ANYONE who happens to hear you play. (and THAT, Beads, is what it's all about)
You play as though you're scared to death to make a mistake, and that's what's making you sound a little too mechanical, so, start trying to shake that off a little at a time