Hello, Slippery Sliders.
Today, at about 10:30 a.m. Central Time,
I'll perform at the local Food Bank, a
resource for financially challenged people.
I perform there 2X a month.
The last time there, I played "Take Me
Out to The Ball Game". A woman got
up from her chair, and said "enough
baseball, what about the Packers?"
(USA professional football)
I asked her, what (Green Bay) Packers'
football song would she request? She
didn't have an answer.
The only Packer song I know is "Go, You
Packers, Go!", by Eric Karll, performed by
The Lumberjack Band in 1931. It was the
1st USA professional sports song. In 2011,
the 1st recorded version was played, with
Since she couldn't name it, I didn't play
it. Was I wrong, was that discourteous?
Give us your opinion.
I could have played "On, Wisconsin", but
that's not a Packers' tune.
Best Regards, Play "Something" Today