Author Topic: About this board  (Read 778 times)

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Offline SlideMeister

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About this board
« on: September 17, 2021, 02:35:56 PM »
We all sit in front of our computers and "noodle around," and play all the time, right? Sure we do.  Au naturale, farkles, clams and all, a riff, a noodle, it doesn't have to be a whole number or even a real number; let's just hear whatcha got.

Sometimes we really suck, and other times we actually sound pretty good. Those who want to participate, just start a thread named (your username) and just add to it whenever the mood strikes you. No time to be proud here; the trick is just to have fun and play, even if ya just use the the cheap mic that's already in your computer.

Ready, set, hair down (or off ;D) and go! ;D ;D
« Last Edit: October 30, 2024, 06:02:54 PM by SlideMeister »