Shingles… oh how painful and long lasting they can be. I got them about 1971 and was fortunate to have a doctor that knew the cure that was available in those. He treated me with injections of L-lysine and every two days he sprayed the affected area with Freon to kinda freeze them. The blisters were extremely sensitive to anything touching them including showers. With the freezing helping greatly with the pain I was able to go to work most days under restrictions. They only lasted a few weeks so I was one of the fortunate ones.
Age showed me his blisters at Danny’s and they brought back forgotten memories. I never want to get them again!
Wow, Larry - Your doctor was so far ahead of regular medical knowledge at the time, thankfully for you! Age's photo is what my brother john's torso looked like - and he suffered unimaginably - even brushing past another person caused him to yell out. He also became Diabetic, lost his first leg in increments and then his 2nd. His final surgery took his life.
It should never have been attempted. I still miss him, but he did go through far too much pain for one person to bear.
SO glad you've never had a recurrence!