I have a Hard bopper in C that I use mostly for scales and such. Not a bad instrument but IMO could benefit from some TLC. I have lots of tools and consider myself mechanically inclined. I have made instruments before but harmonicas not so much. So I want to trying hand on this instrument. It leaks some air, has rather sharp edges and the mouth piece is a cheese grater. I would like advise from those that know or can steer me towards the righteous path of chromatic Nirvana.
I have some ebony and/or some acrylic stock that I can make a comb with and some very high grade curly maple to make some cover plates. No real knowledge of how to improve the slide. Minimal knowledge of tuning or improving reeds or reed plates. Have done gapping but by trial and error. So I'm thinking a thread on each step as I learn may have some interest. I'll post photos as the project develops. I will likely mess things up a bit and will not be finishing it all that quick.
If your on a like path or have suggestions or observations or just wish to laugh at my foolishness please participate